


Plant, Disease, Farm, Yolov-5 Algorithm, Training, Validation, False Alarm


Disease has remained a threat to the existence of every living thing on earth. Particularly in agriculture, disease has remained a major constraint to the success of crop yield and demands urgent solutions, starting with early detection. While many studies have been presented on plant disease detection and control, despite their success, the research gap resides in creating a balance between plant disease detection and farm disease detection. This is because detecting disease in a plant does not necessarily imply that the farm is infected with diseases, and this has resulted in issue of false alarm in the existing system. To address this challenge, YOLOV-5 model was trained with a plant disease dataset considering diverse classes of plants such as corn, waterleaf, tomato, pepper, and cassava. The plant disease model generated was used to develop a farm disease monitoring, detection and notification algorithm, which was converted into mobile application software using Python programming for real-time monitoring notification of farm diseases. This multi-purpose system when tested, reported an average precision mean of 0.95. In addition, experimental validation of the model in maize and watermelon farms reported real-time disease detection and notification which facilitates rapid response and control of the disease by the farmer.

Author Biographies

  • N. I. Ezeani, Electronics Development Institute Eldi-Naseni Awka, Nigeria.

    Nneka Ezeani is an Assistant Chief Engineer at Electronics Development Institute (ELDI-NASENI) Awka. She obtained her B. Eng in Computer Engineering from Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) in 2008, M.Eng in Electronics Engineering (Digital Computer Specialization) from University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) in 2015, she's currently pursuing her PhD at UNN in Electronics Engineering (digital computer specialization), which she started in 2017. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning and deep learning, internet of things and biometrics. In 2015 she was elected and inducted as a corporate member of NSE, she became COREN registered Engineer in 2016. 

  • S. S. Usoro, Electronics Development Institute Eldi-Naseni Awka, Nigeria

    Mr. Samuel S. Usoro is a Chief Scientific officer in Electronics Development Institute (ELDI), Awka. ELDI is
    a research institute under National Agency for Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI) in
    Nigeria. He attended Methodist Primary School, Ibakesi, Akwa Ibom and obtained his First School
    Leaving Certificate (FSLC) in 1990. He proceeded to Methodist College Ibakesi and obtained his WAEC in
    1996. He then proceeded to University of Uyo for his tertiary education between 1998 and 2004. He
    bagged his Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Sciences (Bsc Computer Science) in 2004. He proceeded to
    Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka and bagged a post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Electrical and
    Electronics Engineering in 2012 and obtained his Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering (M.Eng
    Electronic/Control) with control option from the same University in 2018. He is currently a PhD Student
    in Electronics Engineering department in Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Anambra State
    (COOU) with research interest/thesis on Internet of Things (IoT). He is currently the head of ICT Unit in
    Electronic Development Institute (ELDI) with strong interest in Research areas; Internet of Things (IoT)
    and Artificial Intelligence (AI).   He is a member of some professional bodies : Computer Society of Nigeria (NCS) and IEEE Computer Society

  • N. B. Okoye, Electronics Development Institute Eldi-Naseni Awka, Nigeria

    OKoye Bridget Ngozi M.Engr. An Assistant Chief Engineer, in the department of Research and Development (R&D), Electronics Development Institute (ELDI) Awka . She holds Bachelor degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Masters in Electrical /
    Electronics from Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, Uli, Anambra State. she specializes in Printed Circuit Board (PCB), electronics design, Research and Development. she has interest in other programs like AI, Arduino and python programming, etc. Engr. Okoye B. Ngozi is a COREN registered Engineer and a member of Nigerian society of Engineers (NSE). she is currently working under National Agency Science and Engineering Infrastructure (NASENI).

  • D. O. Oyeka, Department of Electronic Engineering University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria

    Dumtoochukwu Oyeka, PhD, is a senior lecturer in the department of
    Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He
    holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from
    Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, a Masters degree in
    Broadband and Mobile Communication Networks from the University of
    Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom and a PhD in Electronic Engineering
    from the same University which was sponsored by the Engineering and Physical Sciences
    Research Council (EPSRC) UK.
    His specialization is in the design of body mounted RFID tags as well as other body mounted
    devices. Other research interests include smart devices, body mounted antennas and assisted
    living systems. He has several journal and conference papers in these fields.
    Dr Oyeka is a COREN registered Engineer and a member of Nigeria Society of Engineers. He is
    currently the Director of Centre for Lion Gadgets and Technologies, University of Nigeria,

  • O. N. Iloanusi, Department of Electronic Engineering University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria

    Ogechukwu Iloanusi (Ph.D.) is a Full Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering,
    Faculty of Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka Campus. She joined the Faculty in
    October 2005. She holds a B.Eng and M.Eng in Electronic Engineering; Ph.D. in Digital
    Electronics and Computer Engineering. Her research interests include biometrics, signal
    processing, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, computer vision and machine / deep
    learning. She is a member of the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria
    (COREN), Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and Women in
    Engineering (WIE). She is a Commonwealth Fellow.


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Agricultural, Bioresources, Biomedical, Food, Environmental & Water Resources Engineering

How to Cite

SMART MULTI-PURPOSE FARM DISEASE MONITORING AND NOTIFICATION MODEL. (2025). Nigerian Journal of Technology, 43(4), 807 – 817.